Senior Business Analyst / Systems Analyst in product (Work management domain)

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Требуемый опыт работы: 3–6 лет

Полная занятость, полный день

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DaVinci is a product that aims to make software engineering teams 10 times more efficient than recently formed startup teams. Already, 20+ teams and clients use the product.

Our immediate goal is to deliver 96% of MVPs within 6 months after the initial client contact. We also aim to deliver the first unique features to production just 4 days after project launch.

To achieve this goal, we experiment and implement new processes in 20+ engineering teams. For instance, we start development during the pre-sale process.

Inside the team, we work in weekly sprints, releasing to production several times per day. Our goal is for every team member to classify as elite or high performer according to DORA metrics. We work without traditional BAs and manual QAs, meaning that engineers learn requirements from users directly and test features themselves. We work by TDD, and 80% of the project’s code is currently covered with automated tests.

Stack: Java 17, Spring Boot, Camunda BPMN engine, ReactJS (TypeScript), Docker, AWS ECS, RDS, KMS, S3, STS, ECR, SQS, Lambda, Terraform, MySQL 5.7, DynamoDB, Gradle, GitLab CI, CI/CD, JUnit, Mockito, Cypress, Spring Boot test, and Hibernate.

Team: Product Owner, Project Manager, Tech Lead, QA Lead, 2 Systems Analysts, 5 Software Engineers.

We are looking for a Systems Analyst to work directly with the CTO and the engineering team to architect, design, and implement software and business processes to achieve the team’s goals.


  • Communicate with process stakeholders across Syberry - both the management and individual contributors – to build a holistic understanding of the business,

  • Create and implement designs for software products and processes,

  • Build and improve Syberry’s process engineering capabilities.


  • 5+ years of experience in business analysis,

  • At least an Upper-Intermediate level of English,

  • Experience in analyzing an organization of at least 100 people in size,

  • Ability to account for individual and social human behavior in software and process design,

  • Basic knowledge of cost accounting and general business operations in the software engineering domain,

  • Knowledge and practical application of systems design theories to work,

  • Experience in learning a business domain (healthcare, finance, insurance, or similar) and willingness to learn a new one.

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Минск, Институт Культуры, Суражская улица, 10

Вакансия опубликована 6 июня 2024 в Минске

Код вакансии BA343

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